
[ bīn cóng ]
[ bīn cóng ]



宾从 [bīn cóng]
  1. 亦作“賔从”。宾客的随从。


  2. 宾客和随从。

    晋 张华 《轻薄篇》:“宾从焕络绎,侍御何芬葩。” 明 高启 《送沉左司从汪参政分省陕西》诗:“重臣分 陕 去臺端,賔从威仪尽 汉 官。” 明 唐顺之 《吴氏石亭埠新阡记》:“及公之卒也,则遂葬乎其中,而宾从戚友尝从公游者,於是又以送公之葬而至焉。” 景耀月 《长歌行》:“含意欲伸行且留,宾从杂遝多等儔。”

  3. 服从;归顺。

    《史记·五帝本纪》:“於是 轩辕 乃习用干戈,以征不享,诸侯咸来宾从。”《梁书·杨公则传》:“ 公则 东下, 湘 部诸郡多未宾从。” 唐 刘恂 《岭表录异》卷中:“今 广州 宾从,诸郡牧守,初到任,下檐皆有油画枹木履也。”

  4. 相从;随行。

    三国 魏 曹植 《离思赋》:“在肇秋之嘉月,将曜师而西旗。余抱疾以宾从,扶衡軫而不怡。” 元 胡祗遹 《木兰花慢·庆翰长八十》词:“投壶雅歌文会,尽百杯、春色醉仙桃。好为昇平强健,宾从东 岱 南郊。”

宾从 [bīn cóng]
  1. 归顺、服从。


The phenomenon of language contact, and how it affects the structure of languages, has been of great interest to linguists. This study looks at how grammatical forms and structures evolve when speakers of two languages come into contact, and offers an interesting insight into the mechanism that induces people to transfer grammatical structures from one language to another. Drawing on findings from languages all over the world, Language Contact and Grammatical Change shows that the transfer of linguistic material across languages is quite regular and follows universal patterns of grammaticalization - contrary to previous claims that it is a fairly irregular process - and argues that internal and external explanations of language structure and change are in no way mutually exclusive.Engaging and informative, this book will be of great interest to sociolinguists, linguistic anthropologists, and all those working on grammaticalization, language contact, and language change.(原文)